Industrial Backup Generator Maintenance & Repair
Repairing & Maintaining Industrial Standby Generators for Ottawa-Area Factories, Plants, Storage Facilities, & More
The show must go on. You’re in charge of a factory, processing plant, farm, hospital, cold-storage facility, data center, lab, or other large and expensive property. You have people who need to work safely and get paid, trucks coming and going, and deadlines to meet.
Making sure your standby generator is probably never at the very top of the to-do list, until a storm or grid failure knocks out your power cold. At that point, it’s too late just for maintenance, and you’ll leak dollars by the minute.
An industrial generator needs to produce somewhere between 500 kWs and 2.5 megawatts, depending on the energy needs of your facility and on how many systems you want or need to run during an outage. It probably runs on natural gas or Diesel.
Your generator was expensive and may be loaded with all of the bells and whistles (e.g. fancy monitoring system), and to see it power up is a beautiful thing, but it can’t run itself. We can do all diagnostics and repairs if it’s outside of the warranty window. If your generator is still under warranty (typically 5 years), we can do the oil changes and other commonplace but essential servicing.
The good news is all you need is routine testing and maintenance, preferably from a company that (a) specializes in standby generators and (b) has experience working on backup power for medium-to-large enterprises. Call Powers Servicing for industrial generator maintenance and repair, even on the weekends or after-hours. We work throughout the Ottawa Valley.